How Is a Japanese Garden Like a Hawaiian Garden?

There are many garden lovers in the United States. For you gardeners that are looking for something out of the norm when it comes to gardening a Hawaiian inspired garden may be just the thing to spice up your dreary looking conventional garden. These gardens are reasonably easy to maintain, and they do not cost a lot of money for you to start. When you look at pictures of Hawaiian Gardens it may remind you of Japanese Gardens. This is because both types of gardens share the same style, but with a few exceptions.

Similarities and Differences Between Japanese and Hawaiian Gardens

Typically a Hawaiian garden has a section of grass that is surrounded by different flower beds filled with orchids, flowers, and other plants. There may, or may not, be structures set up in your garden that resemble scaled down native dwellings of either the Hawaiian, or the Japanese, style. This is very typical, and there is no reason why it can not be implemented into your Tropical Garden.

Japanese gardens typically has a fewer amount of grass in it then a Hawaiian ones. You may notice that they typically use a lot of stone, or crushed gravel, in place of the grass. This material is generally raked out in geometric patterns in order for you to be able to accentuate the garden to your liking. Many of these gardens also feature boulders that you set up in order to give the garden more focal points than just one. Some of the best pictures of Japanese Gardens are the ones that you can find online in order to get an idea on how you want to make your garden. There are still an abundance of flowering plants that you can put into a Tropical Garden and still keep it in the style of a Hawaiian, or Japanese, one.

Be Imaginative and Your Hawaiian Garden Could Be Beautiful

You may think that it is hard to tell the difference between these two types of gardens, but it really isn’t. One of the dead giveaways is the fact that a Hawaiian garden incorporates more grass in it, as well as lava rock, than a Japanese one does. The flowers that can be planted in your garden is really up to you. There isn’t a standard on what should, or should not, be planted in these gardens. You are only limited by your imagination, and funds. You may decide that you want to try some traditional plants and trees for your garden. It is important to note that it is a good idea to not overfill your garden with an abundance of plants as that will take away from the idea of having a few focal points, but not too many. The plants and trees that people typically plant in these gardens are cedar, Canadian hemlock, Himalayan white pine, Japanese black pine, and coastal redwood. You can also have a koi pond in your garden, whether it is a Hawaiian, or Japanese inspired garden since they fit well with both styles, and are sure to add to the overall look of your garden.

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